Over ons About us

Over Facadeclick About Facadeclick

Facadeclick is een uniek circulaire bouwsysteem.  Het systeem wordt geproduceerd in samenwerking met diverse steenfabrieken.

Dankzij Facadeclick bouwt men zonder mortel of lijm snel een voegloze, circulaire gevel. 

De stenen worden als het ware ineen geklikt als LEGO-blokken.

Facadeclick helpt bouwheren met zijn unieke kliktechnologie om

  • circulair en duurzaam te bouwen,
  • kosten te besparen met een eenvoudig bouwproces,
  • hoogstaande kwaliteit te leveren.

Facadeclick is the unique, circular product of Speed Building System, a Belgian company founded in 2016. It is a rapid construction system where a jointless, circular facade can be quickly built with bricks without mortar or glue. The bricks are clicked together like LEGO blocks, so to speak.

With its unique click technology, Facadeclick aims to help customers to

  • work circularly and sustainably,
  • save costs with a simple construction process,
  • deliver high quality
  • build stronger facades than with the traditional method

Geschiedenis History

Het idee van Facadeclick is gepatenteerd en komt uit het brein van Patrick Vandenbempt. Als ervaren aannemer en projectontwikkelaar zocht hij naar een milieuvriendelijke oplossing voor de problemen waar iedereen in de bouw mee worstelde en vandaag nog worstelt.

De traditionele methode van metselen is immers arbeidsintensief en duur, weersafhankelijk, vereist schaarse vakmannen en vraagt om steeds meer verantwoorde keuzes omtrent materiaal, watergebruik en CO 2 -productie.

The idea of Facadeclick is patented and comes from the mind of Patrick Vandenbempt. As an experienced contractor and project developer, he was looking for an environmentally friendly solution to the problems that everyone in the construction industry struggled with and still struggles with today.

After all, the traditional method of bricklaying is labor-intensive and expensive, weather-dependent, requires scarce craftsmen and demands increasingly responsible choices regarding materials, water use and CO 2 production.

Together with his son Jasper, he sought a solution that would make all these problems disappear at once.

Het doel: snel, circulair en goedkoper bouwen The goal: building fast, circular and strong

De vraag die centraal stond bij de ontwikkeling van de oplossing was: hoe kunnen we 

* snel, 

* efficiënt en 

* goedkoper 

een gevel bouwen die bovendien milieuvriendelijker is dan traditionele gevelbouw?

Het antwoord op de vraag is Facadeclick. 

Door simpelweg bakstenen met een kunststofverbinding vast te zetten, is Facadeclick niet alleen sneller en circulair, maar ook nog eens goedkoper dan traditionele gevelbouw.

The central question in developing the solution was: how can we build a facade quickly and faultlessly that is also environmentally friendly and technically superior to traditional facade construction?

In a first test phase, they started building prefabricated facades in the factory. But that experience was not entirely positive. They no longer suffered from adverse weather conditions, but damage could occur during transport and during installation. So there had to be a better way to do that. The conclusion was that the facade still had to be built on site. But how?

The mortar had to be taken out, because that method of construction had the disadvantages already mentioned. So they resorted to a dry construction system that could be used by anyone. From there, Jasper Vandenbempt took over and further developed the idea technically. In the end, it became a system where the bricks click together like LEGO blocks.

The end result was named Facadeclick. By simply stacking bricks and securing them with plastic connectors, Facadeclick is not only faster and circular, but also twice as strong as traditional facade construction.

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